The Mission
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In 2012 six runners from Lithuania created a team with one objective in mind - to run the first ever Sierra Leone Marathon on 9 June 2012 in Sierra Leone, in support of the charity Street Child.
Since our first visit to the country we have kept running, working and talking in order to continue raising as much money as we can. We returned to Sierra Leone in May 2013 and May 2014, to run again in the Marathon, and to return to the region of Tambakha where the money raised will be used to build a school.
A film from our time in Sierra Leone:
By the end of 2013 we had reached our initial target of Euro 25,000. This amount will fund the construction of a small primary school in the village of Kortor - one that has been 'Made in Lithuania' - and will fully support it for three years. The school will provide education for over 130 children from the surrounding villages.
We continued our fund-raising for Sierra Leone in 2014 & 2015, providing further funding to the school in Kortor, and later helping Street Child with their response to the outbreak of Ebola. Most recently money from Running For Change has gone towards Street Child's 'Girls Speak Out' campaign.
In 2016 we turned our attention to Nepal. Still recovering from the devasting earthquake in 2015, Nepal faces many challenges given the wide-ranging destruction caused by the earthquake and the country's limited resources to respond.
We welcome and thank you for your support.
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2012 metais šeši Lietuvos bėgikai subūrė komandą, kuri sau išsikėlė vienintelį tikslą - nubėgti Sierra Leone maratoną, kuris vyko 2012 metų birželio 9 dieną Siera Leonėje ir buvo skirtas paremti labdaros organizaciją Street Child.
Grįžę iš savo pirmosios kelionės mes toliau bėgome ir tęsėme savo pasakojimą bei darbą siekdami surinkti kuo daugiau lėšų. 2013 metų gegužės mėnesį mes vėl sugrįžome į Siera Leonę tam, kad dar kartą nubėgtume maratoną ir apsilankytume Tambakhos regione, kuriame už mūsų surinktas lėšas bus statoma pradinė mokykla.
Trumpas filmukas apie mūsų kelionę į Siera Leonę:
Labai laukiame Jūsų paramos ir dėkojame už ją iš anksto.